Fan Recalls Her Day Watching the “Water for Elephants” Re-Shoots
>> 2011/02/09
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OK, so I stayed home on Friday from work because my husband didn’t feel good and so he took the day off and didn’t want to have to get up and take our son to school, cause that is where he works, so I said I’ll do it. I had a doctors appt later that day anyway….so off me and my son went at 7:00 am to my sons school, on the way to his school there is a park which used to be a lake but now is mostly brush and trees because the dam was in danger of breaking about 20 years ago, so as I am driving by I see a YELLOW SIGN that says “JERRY” on it. These are the signs that they put out as code for actors and people to find a location where they are filming, well as I drove by I thought hmmmm “Jerry” was the call sign for Water For Elephants this summer when I went up to see Rob filming (which I never got to actually see him film, just drive past and smile) anyway I digress. I thought no way could it be what I think it might be….mind you this place is 5 MINUTES from my house…, I dropped my son off and went back to take a look….I mean no harm no foul if I just go look…..and OH MY GOSH! OH MY GOSH! OMG, OME, OMR… was where they were doing the reshoots for WFE!!!!!!!!!!!! I almost freaked out, I mean I did freak out……I realized that I didn’t have my phone or my camera, so I drove home and got everything and went back. The directer had tweeted that Rob wasn’t going to be apart of the reshoots but who knows really….so I couldn’t drive closer so there is a walking path up on the top of the dam and I grabbed my phone and my camera and went for a little stroll…..there are tons of rocks to sit on and so I made myself comfortable and started watching the filming of the reshoots…..mind you still thinking that Rob is not there….then I notice that there is a guy standing there getting lit for a scene and he looked similar to Rob but it wasn’t….but why would they be using someone to light scenes if he wasn’t there???? I started to get nervous and excited, what if he is there and I am the ONLY fan here???? Insane, surreal, totally crazy…..Well, as I am thinking this I notice two people walking towards this muddy puddle…..I know that head, I know those long legs, I KNOW those hands, I KNOW THAT IS ROBERT FREAKING PATTINSON and his bodyguard Dean walking towards that muddy puddle and I am sitting here watching him…..I got to sit and watch him uninterupted (sp?) for 3 1/2 glorious hours….I watched him carry Reese Witherspooon on his back through that mud puddle over and over again…I still am amazed…..CRAZY!!!source/via
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