Robert Pattinson Worldwide

NEW Rob Interview with The Daily Telegraph — Talks About ‘Eclipse’, ‘WFE’ and his personal life

>> 2010/06/19

GIVEN Twilight’s phe­nom­e­nal inter­na­tional suc­cess, it’s hard to imag­ine the next instal­ment of the vam­pire flicks could be a box office flop.

But Robert Pat­tin­son isn’t tak­ing any­thing for granted on the eve of the release of The Twi­light Saga: Eclipse.

“To be hon­est, I’m more ter­ri­fied that it’s going to come out and no one’s going to see it,” Pat­tin­son said.

Speak­ing on the phone whilst dri­ving on a Cal­i­forn­ian high­way, Pat­tin­son is refresh­ingly down to earth, far removed from the hype that sur­rounds his Hol­ly­wood hunk sta­tus. His Amer­i­can twang from Twi­light is replaced by his polite and friendly British tones and he seems gen­uinely keen for a chat — despite his rep­u­ta­tion for being as brood­ing as his Twi­light per­sona, the mys­te­ri­ous Edward Cullen.

He sounds kind of flat­tered, although wary, when this Insider admits to being an avid Twi­light fan.

“Have you ever done an inter­view with a jour­nal­ist who was a crazed Twi­light fan?” I blurted.

“I think I’ve had one,” he muses. “She was from Viet­nam and she was hav­ing a full-on panic attack in the inter­view, which was quite funny.”

With two block­buster films already on the 24-year-old’s resume, three more in the works and mil­lions of ador­ing fans, Pat­tin­son has Hol­ly­wood at his feet.

The first two instal­ments, Twi­light and New Moon, have bro­ken count­less box-office records, gross­ing more than $60 mil­lion in Aus­tralia alone and $1.3 bil­lion worldwide.

The suc­cess was ini­tially based on the cult fol­low­ing of Stephanie Meyer’s nov­els, which cen­tre around Pattinson’s char­ac­ter Edward, his mor­tal love inter­est Bella Swan (played by Kris­ten Stew­art) and a were­wolf named Jacob (played by Tay­lor Laut­ner), who is also vying for Bella’s love.

The lat­est instal­ment, directed by David Slade, is slightly darker than the first two with a larger cast which includes Aus­tralian Xavier Samuel, whose char­ac­ter Riley leads an army of new­born vam­pires on a killing spree in Seattle.

“There’s more action in it and I guess it’s dark and more vio­lent, but I always thought the tone of New Moon was quite dark,” Pat­tin­son says.

The actor’s rel­a­tively new-found fame has brought with it an unwanted spot­light on his pri­vate life, in par­tic­u­lar his much talked about rela­tion­ship with co-star Stewart.

“It is extremely dif­fi­cult but we are together, yes,” he told a British tabloid ear­lier this year, giv­ing the media the first real proof the pair are, in fact, an off-screen item.

The intensely pri­vate star refuses to give press any fod­der about his rela­tion­ship — not for any amount of cash the gos­sip mag­a­zines might throw the couple’s way.

“I don’t under­stand why some peo­ple (sell sto­ries) because it only ends up in sad­ness for your­self. I try to avoid it,” he says. “It becomes about money, and as soon as you start sell­ing your actual life then you’re going down a really bad road.

“As long as you keep your job and your life sep­a­rate, you’re much hap­pier, and it’s much eas­ier to deal with things and it’s much eas­ier to escape.”

Pat­tin­son, whose unruly head of hair and pierc­ing blue-grey eyes have secured him spots atop a string of “world’s sex­i­est” lists, can’t see what the fuss is about, bewil­dered by the atten­tion on his looks.

“I remem­ber when I had my hair cut and it was on CNN,” he said. “Have they got noth­ing bet­ter to talk about? It’s quite funny.”

Pat­tin­son cut his locks for his lat­est movie, Water For Ele­phants, in which he plays a vet­eri­nary stu­dent work­ing at a cir­cus who falls for an eques­trian rider, played by Reese Witherspoon.

“The whole men­tal­ity of the char­ac­ter is com­pletely dif­fer­ent to Edward and I haven’t really had an enor­mous amount of time to pre­pare for it,” he says.

It was film­ing this movie that pre­vented Pat­tin­son from vis­it­ing Syd­ney with Laut­ner and Stew­art ear­lier this month to pro­mote the new Twi­light movie.

“I haven’t ever been to Aus­tralia but a lot of my best friends from school have moved there, to Mel­bourne,” he says excit­edly, using our chat as an oppor­tu­nity to get in touch with a long-lost mate.

“If Char­lie is read­ing this, tell him to call me,” he says. “We used to stay in con­tact via Face­book but I can’t really have Face­book any more because it kept get­ting hacked into so I haven’t talked to him for a while.

“Tell him to call my mum because he’s prob­a­bly still got that number.”

As for what the future holds, there’s the strong pos­si­bil­ity he won’t be in front of the lens forever.

“I really enjoy it (act­ing) but there are a lot of other things I want to do as well. I really want to pro­duce a movie,” he admits.

As for whether he will miss play­ing Edward when the fourth and final Twi­light film, Break­ing Dawn, is com­pleted, the actor’s feel­ings are mixed: “I don’t know. I did some shoots for Eclipse a few weeks ago and it did feel so famil­iar … I guess I’m going to miss it quite a bit when it’s finished.”

But there’s one ele­ment he won’t be sad to leave behind: “The con­tact lenses are the most annoy­ing things to put on every morning.

“I bet you the next thing I do will be some prosthetic-heavy part, play­ing a cow or something.”

That’s still some way off though, with pro­duc­tion on Break­ing Dawn begin­ning later this year.

The Twi­light Saga: Eclipse opens on July 1

Source via Pat­tin­son­life via RPLife


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Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire 2005


Robert Thomas-Pattinson was born on May 13, 1986, in Barnes, a suburb of London, the capital of England. His mother, Clare, worked for a modeling agency, and his father, Richard, imported vintage cars from the U.S. Robert is the youngest of three kids in the Pattinson family, and the only son. He has two older sisters. Elizabeth is three years older than he is, and Victoria is five years older. Pattinson became involved in amateur theatre through the Barnes Theatre Company. After some backstage experience there, he took on acting roles. He caught the attention of an acting agent in a production of Tess of the D'Urbervilles and began looking for professional roles. Since then he has performed in an amateur version of Macbeth at the Old Sorting Office Arts Centre, as well as trying his hand at modeling. more

Musical career

Pattinson plays guitar and piano, and composes his own music. He also appears as the singer of two songs on the Twilight soundtrack:
"Never Think", which he co-wrote with Sam Bradley,
and "Let Me Sign", which was written by Marcus Foster and Bobby Long.
The soundtrack for the film How To Be features three original songs performed by Pattinson and written by composer Joe Hastings.
Listen to Rob's music

Cosmopolis 2012

Water For Elephants 2011

New Moon 2009

How to Be 2008

Bad Mother's Handbook 2007


# Maps to the Stars (2014) ... Jerome
# Hold on to Me
# The Rover (2013) .... Reynolds
# Mission: Blacklist
# Cosmopolis (2012) .... Eric Packer
# Bel Ami (2012) ....Georges Duroy
# The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn - Part 2 (2012) .... Edward Cullen
# The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn - Part 1 (2011) .... Edward Cullen
# Water for Elephants (2011) .... Jacob Jankowski
# The Twilight Saga: Eclipse (2010) .... Edward Cullen
# Remember Me (2010) .... Tyler Hawkins
# The Twilight Saga: New Moon (2009) .... Edward Cullen
# Twilight (2008/I) .... Edward Cullen
# Little Ashes (2008) .... Salvador Dalí
# How to Be (2008) .... Art
# The Summer House (2008) .... Richard
# Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix (2007) .... Cedric Diggory
# The Bad Mother's Handbook (2007) (TV) .... Daniel Gale
# The Haunted Airman (2006) (TV) .... Toby Jugg
# Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire (2005) .... Cedric Diggory
# Ring of the Nibelungs (2004) (TV) .... Giselher
# Vanity Fair (2004) (uncredited) .... Older Rawdy Crawley
# Remember Me (2010) .... executive producer

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