Robert Pattinson Worldwide

Robert Pattinson on the Ellen DeGeneres Show

>> 2010/05/19

from MTV
Robert Pattinson On 'Ellen' Recap: A Ballet Confession, A New Haircut And 'Pattin' Pattinson'
In a double-hitter of “Twilight” guests, Robert Pattinson followed the footsteps of costar Nikki Reed and visited “The Ellen DeGeneres Show” for today’s episode. Once again, the visit was to promote “Eclipse,” and fortunately his interview stayed more on topic than Nikki’s. Unfortunately, Rob was not as enthusiastic about the dancing, despite the fact he did ballet until age 10. We were disappointed that Ellen had not scrounged up a clip to accompany this confession.

But more important than Rob talking about “Eclipse” and not dancing was the new ‘do he was sporting. I guess Summit finally reneged on forcing Rob to maintain his Edward Cullen locks and allowed him to get a haircut for “Water for Elephants,” which starts shooting in Los Angeles tomorrow.

At first Rob teased that he had to shave off his hair because he got “a terrible infestation of nits,” but his joke turned sour when he found out that no one has “nits” here, but rather hair lice. Oh well, looks good regardless of the reason.

Unlike the new clip that was introduced with Nikki yesterday, though, today’s “Eclipse” clip to accompany Rob was the same one we saw on “Oprah,” where Edward confronts Jacob after the latter kisses Bella. When Ellen asked Rob to explain the scene, he replied, “I dunno, the three of them, I don’t know what’s going on anymore.”

She prompted him with the fact that Edward and Bella should be getting married soon, since he proposed at the end of “New Moon.” “But I’m always asking that, and nothing ever comes of it,” Rob said with a laugh. He added more seriously, “['Eclipse' is] not such an insular story. It’s not just about two characters anymore.”

Ellen asked Rob about how he doesn’t like doing press for his films, and prefers the acting side of the craft. He explained his problem with interviews, saying, “I’ve always had a problem actually thinking before I open my mouth.” When Ellen asked if he meant “being spontaneous,” Rob clarified, “Being spontaneous, or just thinking. Thinking in general. Thinking in real time.”

While the laughter from the audience receded, Rob explained that his problem with thinking on his feet led many to call him “brooding” after the press he did for “Twilight.” People would ask him what he was thinking about during his brooding sessions, and he said with a laugh that he was actually thinking about absolutely nothing. “It’s like that ‘Simpsons’ episode,” he said.

Rob told Oprah that he was more excited about being names on of People’s most beautiful people than one of Time’s most influential, but Ellen pointed out to him that he wasn’t named the most beautiful person (Julia Roberts was) and thus he didn’t “win.”

“I thought I was keeping the pace for the year, doing a good job,” Rob said with a smile and a laugh. “Where did Julia Roberts come from? She came out of nowhere.”

To wrap up the interview, Ellen had one lucky fan come up on stage for a game she liked to call “Pattin’ Pattinson.” Rob and two other men wore robes over their clothes, and the fan was blind folded and had to feel the bodies of each of the three men and see if she could tell which one Rob was by just his body. She ended up getting it wrong (whoops), but at least she had the honor of touching Robert Pattinson’s entire body, and that’s something we’re sure many would kill for.


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Robert Thomas-Pattinson was born on May 13, 1986, in Barnes, a suburb of London, the capital of England. His mother, Clare, worked for a modeling agency, and his father, Richard, imported vintage cars from the U.S. Robert is the youngest of three kids in the Pattinson family, and the only son. He has two older sisters. Elizabeth is three years older than he is, and Victoria is five years older. Pattinson became involved in amateur theatre through the Barnes Theatre Company. After some backstage experience there, he took on acting roles. He caught the attention of an acting agent in a production of Tess of the D'Urbervilles and began looking for professional roles. Since then he has performed in an amateur version of Macbeth at the Old Sorting Office Arts Centre, as well as trying his hand at modeling. more

Musical career

Pattinson plays guitar and piano, and composes his own music. He also appears as the singer of two songs on the Twilight soundtrack:
"Never Think", which he co-wrote with Sam Bradley,
and "Let Me Sign", which was written by Marcus Foster and Bobby Long.
The soundtrack for the film How To Be features three original songs performed by Pattinson and written by composer Joe Hastings.
Listen to Rob's music

Cosmopolis 2012

Water For Elephants 2011

New Moon 2009

How to Be 2008

Bad Mother's Handbook 2007


# Maps to the Stars (2014) ... Jerome
# Hold on to Me
# The Rover (2013) .... Reynolds
# Mission: Blacklist
# Cosmopolis (2012) .... Eric Packer
# Bel Ami (2012) ....Georges Duroy
# The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn - Part 2 (2012) .... Edward Cullen
# The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn - Part 1 (2011) .... Edward Cullen
# Water for Elephants (2011) .... Jacob Jankowski
# The Twilight Saga: Eclipse (2010) .... Edward Cullen
# Remember Me (2010) .... Tyler Hawkins
# The Twilight Saga: New Moon (2009) .... Edward Cullen
# Twilight (2008/I) .... Edward Cullen
# Little Ashes (2008) .... Salvador Dalí
# How to Be (2008) .... Art
# The Summer House (2008) .... Richard
# Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix (2007) .... Cedric Diggory
# The Bad Mother's Handbook (2007) (TV) .... Daniel Gale
# The Haunted Airman (2006) (TV) .... Toby Jugg
# Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire (2005) .... Cedric Diggory
# Ring of the Nibelungs (2004) (TV) .... Giselher
# Vanity Fair (2004) (uncredited) .... Older Rawdy Crawley
# Remember Me (2010) .... executive producer

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