Robert Pattinson Worldwide

Robert Pattinson in InStyle Germany

>> 2009/11/27

Trans­la­tion — Page 1
“Twi­light“ star and super hot­tie Robert Pat­tin­son tells us, what kind of women fas­ci­nate him and why they can be afraid of him.
Text on the left:
Doesn’t like to brush his hair: Robert Pat­tin­son, the coolest guy since there are actors play­ing vampires.
Text on the right:
About a year ago, no one knew Robert Pat­tin­son. The Brits kept there hottest .… since Jude Law – except a small part in Harry Pot­ter – well hid­den. But since his suc­cess as vam­pire Edward in Twi­light he became one of the most desired men on the planet. And that could even increase with the start of the sec­ond part of the Twi­light Saga (New Moon, release date Novem­ber 26th) Robert Pat­tin­son comes to the inter­view in black jeans and a black button-down – just like you imag­ine a vam­pire. A bit of chest hair can be seen in the neck­line. Every now and then our talk is inter­rupted by scream­ing fans that are wait­ing in front of the „Beach Club“ in Cannes. (Cont on next page)
Big­ger text at beginning: 
If girls are afraid of me? I hope so! When you don’t have some­thing dan­ger­ous, ani­mal­is­tic as a man you aren’t a real man, aren’t you?
Cont. Of text from last page:
The 23 year old tries to stay as relaxed as pos­si­ble in this tense atmos­phere and grins apolo­get­i­cally, as if to say: Really not my fault. But it is. Because even as a man you have to ungrudg­ingly admit: Robert Pat­tin­son just looks ille­gally good.
The impor­tant stuff at the begin­ning: Mil­lions of girls are won­der­ing if you are in a rela­tion­ship with your co-star Kris­ten Stewart?
Hon­estly? I can under­stand that my fans are inter­ested to know but I just want to say this: She’s a won­der­ful co-worker. I haven’t read any­thing that’s been writ­ten about us in a long time.
Are girls afraid of you?
If girls are afraid of me? I hope so! When you don’t have some­thing dan­ger­ous, ani­mal­is­tic as a man you aren’t a real man, are you? (laughs)
What kind of women do you like?
I like women that are a bit dark and that don’t have super­fi­cial self-confidents.
Leonardo DiCaprio told me once that with Robert Pat­tin­son there was finally a young man in the film busi­ness he could give his title „eter­nal roman­tic hero“to. Do you accept?
He said that? Wow. It sounds stu­pid but do you know what? It is kind of cool. The guy has a great career and made the best out of his early suc­cess. In this respect I gladly step into his foot steps.
You are not only a tal­ented actor but also a gifted singer. Your song “Never Think” is on the “Twi­light” sound­track. When will the album be releases?
I’ve been mak­ing music for some time. The direc­tor heard one of my songs and wanted it for the sound­track. The whole music thing is a bit embar­rass­ing for me. I once had a band, but now that I’m this pop­u­lar it sounds weird: Robert Pat­tin­son, the singing actor.
Fans are sup­pos­edly camp­ing out in front of your apart­ment in Los Ange­les. Can you keep up counting?
(laughts) They didn’t really camp there. And at the moment I’m not even there too often. But in the begin­ning they actu­ally waited round the clock there. And they left mes­sages on my car daily.
What were the mes­sages like?
It started with: “Please don’t think I’m crazy but call me.” It built-up to “If you don’t pay atten­tion to me, I kill myself. But I’m not crazy…”
Well, wher­ever you are girls are scream­ing. And you still seem to won­der about that?
I’m still won­der­ing in fact. It’s com­pletely crazy. I’m still sur­prised very time I see a real scream­ing fan.
Kris­ten Stew­art said you change your clothes rarely. How long have you been wear­ing today’s out­fit already?
I think from the belt upwards every­thing is new. Some­times I really wear my clothes until I can’t stand the smell anymore.
Why don’t you change your clothes more often then?
I only have a few things I really like. And I’m always en route, away from wash­ing machines. Why am I even telling you that? Ah, some­thing else, I rarely brush my hair. My dad always wanted to brush my hair when I was lit­tle. I hated it. Now I sound like a com­plete freak. (laughs)
You’re dri­ving an ancient car. You’re apart­ment has been paid by the pro­duc­tion com­pany. Still every­one claims you’re always broke.
I don’t know why. It’s a mys­tery to me. I’m prob­a­bly los­ing my money on the streets…

scans and translation gossip dance
via RPLife


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Robert Thomas-Pattinson was born on May 13, 1986, in Barnes, a suburb of London, the capital of England. His mother, Clare, worked for a modeling agency, and his father, Richard, imported vintage cars from the U.S. Robert is the youngest of three kids in the Pattinson family, and the only son. He has two older sisters. Elizabeth is three years older than he is, and Victoria is five years older. Pattinson became involved in amateur theatre through the Barnes Theatre Company. After some backstage experience there, he took on acting roles. He caught the attention of an acting agent in a production of Tess of the D'Urbervilles and began looking for professional roles. Since then he has performed in an amateur version of Macbeth at the Old Sorting Office Arts Centre, as well as trying his hand at modeling. more

Musical career

Pattinson plays guitar and piano, and composes his own music. He also appears as the singer of two songs on the Twilight soundtrack:
"Never Think", which he co-wrote with Sam Bradley,
and "Let Me Sign", which was written by Marcus Foster and Bobby Long.
The soundtrack for the film How To Be features three original songs performed by Pattinson and written by composer Joe Hastings.
Listen to Rob's music

Cosmopolis 2012

Water For Elephants 2011

New Moon 2009

How to Be 2008

Bad Mother's Handbook 2007


# Maps to the Stars (2014) ... Jerome
# Hold on to Me
# The Rover (2013) .... Reynolds
# Mission: Blacklist
# Cosmopolis (2012) .... Eric Packer
# Bel Ami (2012) ....Georges Duroy
# The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn - Part 2 (2012) .... Edward Cullen
# The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn - Part 1 (2011) .... Edward Cullen
# Water for Elephants (2011) .... Jacob Jankowski
# The Twilight Saga: Eclipse (2010) .... Edward Cullen
# Remember Me (2010) .... Tyler Hawkins
# The Twilight Saga: New Moon (2009) .... Edward Cullen
# Twilight (2008/I) .... Edward Cullen
# Little Ashes (2008) .... Salvador Dalí
# How to Be (2008) .... Art
# The Summer House (2008) .... Richard
# Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix (2007) .... Cedric Diggory
# The Bad Mother's Handbook (2007) (TV) .... Daniel Gale
# The Haunted Airman (2006) (TV) .... Toby Jugg
# Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire (2005) .... Cedric Diggory
# Ring of the Nibelungs (2004) (TV) .... Giselher
# Vanity Fair (2004) (uncredited) .... Older Rawdy Crawley
# Remember Me (2010) .... executive producer

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