Rob Pattinson in Elle Sweden
>> 2009/10/14

I´m meeting Robert Pattinson at a restaurant along the Croisette in Cannes. The film company hasn´t disclosed time and place until the day before but somewhere it leaks. A gossip blogger tweets about it and hours before the worlds hottest and most hunted 23-year old is in the house fans and paparazzi gather around the place.
They have bodyguards in every corner of the restaurant. Groups of girls try to sneak in from the beach, someone extra brave jumps into the water and tries to swim to the restaurant’s private beach. A guard stops them, but they stay in the sand and try to get pictures of the star with their digital cameras. There is no chance they can see Rob, he is hidden in a huge white plastic egg-shaped chair. He is here to talk about New Moon, the sequel to Twilight.
I have, out of free will, taken a deep dive into the Twilight world of fandom, all the homemade Youtube videos, the blogs, the stories. But the unexpectedly tall Robert Pattinson is both more puppy-ish, shyer – and nicer than I could ever think.
“All the screaming is just crazy, he says about the fans. They would never scream if they were alone, it´s the peer pressure.”
But the fans behaviour aside – he sits a few inches away and you can´t stop watching him. He is incredible photogenique. His facial expressions shifts quickly from childish and embarrassed when he laughs out loud and looks down (which he does a lot), to a clownish face with wide eyes and raised eyebrows to the next second pull his hand through his hair and shoot you a sideways glance totally worthy of his newly found supersexy hunk status (many magazines have already voted him sexiest man alive).
(… skipped lots of info that all the twilight/Robert Pattinson fans already know about his background)
He says he was surprised how strong the twilight phenomenon is, that the interest never seem to fade.
“Wherever I go, people scream. You can never prepare for something like that. But my goal in life was never to get people to scream for me, if it was I would be crazy now, or a real asshole. Now it just feels like a joke. There is nothing in my contract about having to wave at the fans, so i don´t do it,” he says and laughs.
(… quotes from other interviews, old info about him being uncomfortable being interviewed ”just wanting to cry if it gets quiet” etc)
>He seems to have understood his new reality now:
“I have to accept the situation. I cant fight it. I was driving myself a little crazy a few months back (remember this interview was conducted made in May), I was paranoid over everything. But when finally I was back on set, starting to film New moon, it felt okay again. That’s what I am going to do now, continue working. I am booked for nearly 2 years now and will not have the time to try to live a ”normal” life, or the life I had before. Because it doesn´t work. I can´t go to any of the places I used to go to, there are people coming up to me all the time.”
How does that feel?
Annoying. But things have to change. You can´t just never change.
Do you have a lot of crazy fans?
One out of a hundred? One girl sent a cake to my parents’ house every third day for six months.
How did she get your address?!
No idea! I live out of three suitcases in different hotels so fans tend to send my parents a lot of stuff,” he says and laughs again.
(… Stuff about his looks, style, all the actresses that said they love him)
Gozde, a 32 year old doctor of biochemistry puts five hours a day into one of the biggest Robert Pattinson fansites, Robsessed. She says the love is easy to explain:
“He looks like a Greek God but acts like a dorky shy guy that would start to stutter if you talked to him. He is very funny and smart. It’s irresistible!”
(Stuff about him not having a girlfriend, but that he dated Nina Schubert some years back, the Robsten rumours)
Whether or not Rob and Kristen are more than friends we don´t know, but it is certain that they are close.
Kristen have gone through exactly the same thing as me this year. She is the only person that can relate to me on the same level.
You understand each other?
Yes, we were good friends from the beginning and she is really cool and a great actress. I´d like to work with her on other projects too but I don´t think we can now, at least for a while. I think she is the best actress of her generation. And that´s after reading with loads of them recently, haha.
In an earlier interview (GQ) Rob confessed he reads about himself online, even fanficiton. (… shortened this passage)
Do you read about yourself online?
Sometimes I do … but it’s a really bad idea to do it, really bad. You poison your brain doing it, there is nothing good coming out of it, you either get paranoid or really vain and shallow.
(… about how terrible his summer was with all the papz on set, MTV movie awards, Comic Con again, Teen choice Awards etc.)
If you had known the immense success of Twilight would you have done anything different?
If I literally could go back and do it again, I would try to do it better. I had wanted to be better.
Stay tuned for an audio file of this interview via Maria Lindholm, the author of this article, on her blog!
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