New pics of Rob leaving Bobby Long's show
>> 2009/09/08
September 8, 2009

News from Twitter:
Okay Rob, Kristen, Nikki, Elizabeth @ Bobby's Long's show
Yeah late w/deets but u know our policy.. we wait until they left to post
They all were in the back of venue.. Rob wearing a white cap and checkered black and white jacket
Nikki, BF, Elizabeth actually came out and stood by stage.. no one bothered them as they watched Bobby perform.
Rob, Kristen stayed in the back.. Kris sitting on a chair, Rob standing. No one bothered them either. But Rob was in plain view.
Malicious Mandy
Rob, Kristen (both in ball caps) stayed mostly in back room watching from doorway. Kristen mostly sitting and Rob leaning in the doorway.
Noone bothered them or snapped their photo or invaded their privacy. I actually walked by them a few times to go outside for air or to the bathroom and they seemed to be enjoying themselves.
Nikki and Paris were inthe same area as Rob and Kristen but came out once to the dance floor.
Near the end a few crowded outside and two taxi's pulled up.
They backed into lot close to back door.
Papz lined up. Fans crowded around.
Door opened and out came the crew.... it happened so fast I was in a daze...
Nikki, Paris, Liz hopped into furthest cab apparently, I wasn't really paying attention because the cab in front of me had doors open.
Rob, Kristen and her manager hopped into that closest cab.
Manager in front seat.
Rob on right side and Kristen on left. Both crouched, covering faces, ball caps on.
I was shoved and someone stepped on my toe - it was chaos.
Lot's of flashes, I'd guess 8 paparazzi but I can't even be sure.
Lot's of fans though.... one paparazzi was cursing all the fans cameras and flashes LOL "you guys and all these cameras"
BAHAHHAHAH - from a paprazzi this is amusing!
One girl (who I have seen around frequently, she dates one of the autograph hounds... and gets autographs herself) shouted that Kristen was a bitch!
I was so shocked!
She was at the back of the cab I was by the side door (Rob's door ;) tee hee) so I didn't see what happened exactly after that but I guess some fans pushed or hit her ? all I know is i heard her then say she would "punch you out" or something... LOL no clue...
Then the cabs pulled out... the papz ran and chased after.
Video of Rob and Kristen in the cab
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